Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Garden, Spring 2011

This is the 2011 garden in mid-spring, looking north, uphill. It's about 35' x 70', located in a small clearing above our house. Garlic is along the right side, potatoes in the front, 25 asparagus plants along the upper left side, and 24 raspberries (four varieties - two red and two black) along the very back, all of which were planted on 30 April and 1 May. The ATV and a 110 gallon water tank for collecting rain water are at the back. We keep it critter- and dog-free with a solar-powered electric fence. Soon to be planted are carrots, parsnips, corn, green beans, and two kinds of beets. The potatoes should be up by now.

We will be over this weekend to finish the planting. It's been wet and cold most of the time, but hopefully the potatoes, asparagus, and raspberries have sprouted.

1 comment:

  1. It's wonderful to read about your WVa enterprise! What an amazing view -- and how ambitious you are! How do you manage to farm -- and keep horses -- while running back and forth between WVa and your "major midwestern university?"
